my lamb

my lamb

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Prophets

34 I am sending you prophets and wise men and teachers. MATTHEW 23
19 You will do well to pay close attention to everything they have written [they say], for, like lights shining into dark corners, their words help us to understand many things that otherwise would be dark and difficult. But when you consider the wonderful truth of the prophets’ words, then the light will dawn in your souls and the Messiah [who is] the Morning Star will shine in your hearts. 2 PETER 1 tlb
A Personal Testimony
Let us share with you some insights on our fellowship and conversation with the hidden.
More often than not they speak by echoing Scripture passages. They manifest and promote love consistently. And they attest very firmly that “Y’shua is God,” also that the Scripture is the will and word of God. They are refreshingly unselfish in sharing knowledge and understanding—a considerable help in stocking our library of fact and faith-knowledge. They give updates and prophecies on matters that interest us. When something baffles us, they tell us which Scripture chapter and verse to consult. If we cannot fathom something, they supply insight. Do something wrong and they are quick to bring it to your attention, oftentimes with tears in their eyes. They give good advice on how to deal with situations.
The angels have greater intelligence than us and can draw information by looking at what seems to be an invisible PC monitor. They literally take turns in watching over us, shielding us, warning us, coaching us, resisting Lucifer and his demons for us… Also, they minister to our needs. Case in point: Our study of the Word and the subsequent writing of this book took more than nine years. We had no pension or study grant and did not engage ourselves in any money-making activity until the seventh year, except for two short months. Oftentimes we were penniless. We could have missed a meal or gone homeless but the fact is, we never did. Total strangers would welcome us to their homes. Where no one was there to welcome us, money, food and other blessings would literally materialize from nowhere. God sent the angels to provide for our needs that we may learn to trust in Him (Deuteronomy 29:6).  
Our testimony may sound odd and loony but it’s true.

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