The name is commonly spelled Yahshua. Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary spells it Yehowshuwa or Yehowshua and says the names Jehoshua, Jehoshuah, Joshua and Jeshua were derived from it.[1] But Y’shua is how God signs His notes to the scribe of this book. The scribe infers that God prefers His name to be written that way, so he is adopting it here.
How to pronounce the name? In the film Passion of Christ (2004) it was pronounced alternately as “yosh-wah” and “ye-hos-wah.” Strong’s pronounces it “yeh-ho-shoo-ah.” But the angels pronounce it differently: ye-shoo’-wah, silent on the ho and the last syllable pronounced like a high note.
Y’shua is “Jesus Christ” to the world. Christ is usually mistaken as a surname but it is not. Christ is the Anglicized form of Christos Greek meaning “the Messiah.” Messiah is the Anglicized form of mshakh Hebrew Aramaic meaning “the Anointed One” (Acts 10:38, Luke 4:18-19).

We have stopped calling the Messiah “Jesus Christ” because it is misleading people. Kindly take note:
The appointed name is Y’shua.
It is a combination of two Hebrew Aramaic words: Yah meaning “God” and shua meaning “saves.” The name literally translates to “Savior God” or “God and Savior” or “Lord and Savior” (as in 1 Timothy 2:3, 2 Peter 2:20 and Titus 2:10, 13).
20 An angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. 21 She will give birth to a son, and you are to give Him the name Y’shua, because He will save His people from their sins.” 22 All this took place to fulfill what the Lord said through the prophet [Isaiah]: 23 The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel—which means ‘God with us.’” MATTHEW 1
God Himself chose the name.
9 God gave Him the name. PHILIPPIANS 2
Y’shua was the Messiah and His name revealed His person (“God with us”) and His mission (“to save His people from their sins”). The name had been in use for at least 500 years before its appropriation (1 Chronicles 14:17, Ezra 2:40, Nehemiah 7:43).
It must be said that ancient cryptograms encoded in the Hebrew text of the Bible have been unlocked. Super-computer examination of the text—vertically, horizontally or diagonally using the equidistant letter sequencing—tells us of future events and personalities. As the Book of Genesis presents the story of creation and the patriarchs, for example, it also speaks of “twin towers” “knocked down” by “airplane,” “the sin, the crime of Bin Laden”—3,000 years before they came to happen.
Grant R. Jeffrey said: “Not only has God included thousands of hidden coded messages within the text of the Bible but He has actually hidden the name Yeshua in numerous passages from Genesis to Malachi throughout the Old Testament. Especially within the great Messianic prophetic passages, God has hidden… the incredible message Yeshua is My name. The name is often encoded beneath the text of prophecies about the coming of the Messiah. As an example, the name can be found embedded in the text of Isaiah 53:10. This is one of the most astonishing and tremendous biblical discoveries in the last two thousand years.”[2]
The appropriation of the name was first revealed to Joseph and Mary, the earthly parents of Y’shua.
To supplant the God-appointed name with another is an act of defiance and irreverence.
Throughout the Scripture giving names was an affirmation of dominion. God renamed those whom He chose for certain tasks (eg. Abram to Abraham, Jacob to Isra’el, Saul to Paul). God has dominion over us and therefore He can rename any one of us anytime.
In the beginning, while God gave man the role and prerogative to name each of the animals and the plants (Genesis 1:28, 2:19), he was not given the prerogative to rename God.
Tradition gives to Jewish parents the role and prerogative to name their children. Yet Joseph and Mary were not permitted to give their Son a name of their own choosing. <No man has dominion over God.> In Matthew 1:21 and Luke 1:31 Joseph and Mary were mandated (just as we all are) to call Him Y’shua. To call Him by any other name is to rename God.
The name Jesus differs greatly from the God-appointed name.
Lew White is an expert etymologist. Etymology is the study of word origins. According to him, in the process of translating the Scripture manuscripts from Aramaic to Greek, Lucifer and his church-based cohorts bastardized the appointed name. Yah (which is pronounced ye) was changed to Ie (still pronounced ye but meaning Hail!). Shua was made sous (to sound Zeus, the name of the highest Greek god). With the advent of the letter “J” into the alphabet in the 15th century, “Ie” was made to sound “Je”. Thus, the appointed name was transformed from Y’shua to Iesous, and finally into Jesus. (Fossilized Customs)
So now, little do Christians know that when they pray to Jesus, they are actually proclaiming Hail Zeus!
Christians praying to the wrong God? Lucifer loves it!
God left His comfort zone… took the human form… incarnated… corrected the false teachings… died on the cross… redeemed us from the pledge… resurrected… and ascended back to His kingdom in heaven… The name God saves! pictures the entire process completely.
23 This is God’s command: to believe in the name of His Son, Messiah Y’shua. 1 JOHN 3
calling on Jesus violates two royal decrees, three if 1 John 3:23 IS includeD.
The first decree is Matthew 1:21 and Luke 1:31: “You are to give Him the name Y’shua.” It is a command, imperative for us to obey.
The second decree is Exodus 23:13: “Be careful to do everything I have said to you. Do not invoke the names of gods. Do not let them [eg. the name of Zeus] be heard on your lips.”
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