Sexual sin breeds idolatry of the flesh. Breaking it starts at the home.
Children, listen to your parents. Pray for them and with them. Forgive your errant parent, if any. Make it easy for him or her to do spiritual detoxification.
Parents in the Lord and parents in civil authority, join hands with parents at home in molding the children. After all, failure in the home contributes to the breakdown of society and church.
23 Have you children? Educate them. ECCLESIASTICUS 7
3 It is a disgrace to a father to have an undisciplined child, especially if it is a daughter. SIRACH 22
24 If you have daughters, keep them virtuous, and don’t be too indulgent with them. SIRACH 7
11 If she is too self-willed, be on guard, and don’t be surprised if she disappoints you. 12 She’ll spread her legs anywhere for any man who wants her, just as a thirsty traveler will drink whatever water is available. ECCLESIASTICUS 26
5 A girl with no sense of propriety will disgrace both her husband and her father; neither will have any respect for her. SIRACH 22
11 Keep a close watch over your daughter if she is determined to have her own way. If you don’t, she may make a fool of you in front of your enemies. You will be a constant joke to everyone in town, a public disgrace. SIRACH 42

23 No one born of a forbidden marriage or any of his descendants may enter the assembly of the Lord, even down to the tenth generation. DEUTERONOMY 23
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