The Great Babylon has been identified. But who could possibly be orchestrating the role of the antichrist and the false prophet in our world today? It could be the Sabbatean-Frankist cabalists behind the Illuminati and the Freemasonry.
The Sabbateans are said to be a radical group of Jews engaged in black magic and the occult. Their founder-leader was Shabbetai Tzevi (1626-1676), a false Jewish messiah. They aim to be installed as gods and worshiped.
They are anti-religious, anti-Torah, anti-Talmudic and anti-Jewish. To them, any Jew who is not anti-Jewish is fit for execution. <Barry Chamish,>
Inspired by the Cabala, the Sabbateans practice "holiness through sin,” preaching that good is evil and evil is good. They believe that good would come through the triumph of evil. They seek to destroy the social order (religion, morality, property, family, nation, race) and the annihilation of Western civilization. Totally amoral, to them “the end justifies the means." <Henry Makow,>
Frankism is essentially an adaptation of Sabbateanism. Its leader, Jacob Frank (1726-1791), claimed to be the reincarnation of Shabbetai Tzevi. Frank had hatred of God which extended to all religions: "I have come to bring revolution into the world. Muslims, Catholics, Russian or Greek Orthodox, Jews—I’ve come to liberate them from their enslavement to law. I start with religion. Deceiving their priests and acolytes is a benefit to mankind, you understand." (Gunther Plaut, The Man Who Would Be Messiah, p. 151, quoted by Henry Makow)
In pursuit of their goal, the Sabbatean-Frankists practice hashkalah—infiltration of governments, religions, institutions and associations for the purpose of assimilation and domination. They assimilate by hiding their roots and beliefs, changing their identities, assuming local names, and intermarrying with the locals. What we get are Sabbatean Jews, Sabbatean Christians and Sabbatean Muslims—also Sabbatean Nazis, Sabbatean Zionists and Sabbatean Communists—rising to positions of responsibility in the collective forces of the world. They appear to be directly opposed to one another, but the truth is, they are united in undermining all collective forces except their own. God could be directly referring to them when He spoke of “those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Lucifer” (Revelation 2:9).

The House of Rothschild retained Weishaupt (a Jew-turned-Jesuit priest) to revise and modernize the age-old Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, and to design a plan that would give the Synagogue of Lucifer ultimate world domination. <Myron C. Fagan, The Illuminati Agenda (1967), Part 1,>

Freemasonry. Weishaupt joined Freemasonry in 1777, and soon many members of the Illuminati followed, infiltrating the lodges. They quickly rose to positions of seniority. (Mark Booth) The Illuminati members infiltrated the lodges of England and Scotland, changing their highest tenets to that of Weishaupt until every lodge in every nation accepted them. Thus, the Illuminati now had two centers of activity, Germany and Britain. (Barry Chamish) On July 16, 1782, Weishaupt formally combined the Order of the Illuminati with Freemasonry at the Congress of Wilhelmsbad. The combined groups now had over three million members, including some of the most powerful men in Europe. <Eustace Mullins, The Curse of Canaan, http://www.>
“I have been convinced that we, as an Order, have come under the power of some very evil occult Order, profoundly versed in science, both occult and otherwise, though not infallible, their methods being black magic, that is to say, electromagnetic power, hypnotism, and powerful suggestion. We are convinced that the Order is being controlled by some Sun Order, after the nature of the Illuminati, if not by that Order itself,” the Duke of Brunswick, Grand Master of World Freemasonry, said of the merger. <Michael Tsarion,>
By an act of God the Illuminati’s blueprint for world domination and control was accidentally uncovered in 1784 along with its action plan for launching the French Revolution. The Illuminati was outlawed the following year and the Bavarian government arrested all it could find of its members. Weishaupt and his conspirators fled and worked underground. The Illuminati operated clandestinely through the Freemasonry. (History of the New World Order, Part 1)
Membership Initiation. Membership has been divided into three main classes: (1) The minerval or novice; (2) the Illuminatus Minor, who are taught that the Order’s goal is universal happiness and that the religions, governments and economies of the world must be destroyed for obstructing its realization; and (3) the Illuminatus Major, who are given the real objective of the Order: which is world rule and domination, to own the planet. The Illuminatus Major are required to take an oath before Lucifer whom they refer to as Baphomet (represented by the hermaphroditic horned goat), binding their every action and thought to him. Michael Tsarion said the Illuminati considers Lucifer as the good God.
Organizational Setup. The Illuminati organizational structure is like a pyramid, with the Council of 13 at the very top to oversee and control the Order’s activities. The Council of 13 is composed of the appointed heirs of Rothchild and his 12 friends. Sometimes they sit as Council of 3, Council of 5, Council of 7 or Council of 9.
Initiates work in small cells; knowledge is shared between cells on need-to-know basis. The discipline and secrecy are very strict and if one fails to comply, punishment can be severe. Curiosity drives the initiate into the mystic; so higher and more powerful secrets are promised to those who progress up the ladder of initiations. In this manner the very few men at the top can control the many below. (Mark Booth / Wes Penre)
Under the Council of 13 are the Council of 33, Grand Druid Council, Committee of 300 and Committee of 500. (Mark Booth)
The Committee of 300 (“Olympians”) is known to have 40 subcommittees (“branch offices”) composed of power bloc leaders in Government, Business and Religion [eg. Trilateral Commission, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank), International Monetary Fund (IMF), United Nations (UN), Central Intelligence Agency, Council on Foreign Relations, Skull & Bones, Scroll & Key, Round Table, Royal Institute of International Affairs, Vatican, Opus Dei, Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, Freemasonry, Milner Group, Black Nobility of Venice & Genoa, Hellsfire Club, Brotherhood of the Dragon, Russell Trust, JASON Society, Socialist International]. In his book Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Committee of 300, Dr. John Coleman identified the Club of Rome and the Bilderberg Group as the foreign policy arms of the Committee.
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